Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Happy New Year!

2017 was over in a blink and as we stand here in the first week of 2018, we are assured it will come and go faster than it's predecessor. 

This will be my first full year without a grandparent in the world. I will see my first of three kids leave the comforts of elementary school and head into the terrifying halls of high school. My youngest will spend her last days in the "little hall" (all of you WGS parents know what I am talking about). My 11-year old will continue to resemble a young lady rather than a little girl. I will celebrate with my mom as she retires and enjoys life outside of work. I will have survived seventeen years of marriage in July. The relationship with my island will turn 17 as well. Lord willing, I will run my first half marathon.  My family of five will travel. I will turn 40.

40. Life begins at 40. Isn't that what they say?

When I think of 40 my mind usually turns to scripture. The number is used so many times in The Word...146 times if my research is correct.  In some cases it denotes a period of testing or trial. In others, the number gives way to rebirth and new generations.  In either case, 40 is a big number in so many stories.

Noah heard the rain on the roof of the ark for forty days and forty nights. Moses spent forty years in Egypt, then forty years in the wilderness before God made him the leader He had created him to be. God sent him onto Mt Sinai twice to get the law...forty days each time.

Jonah spent days trying to convince Ninevah to change it's ways. Forty days to be exact. In Ezekiel chapter 4 we read about the prophet lying on his right side for forty days; one day for each year of Judah's sin. Elijah went without food and water for forty days.

In the days of the judges, Deborah and Gideon served forty years each. Goliath taunted the Israelites for forty days until a little shepherd boy took him down. In Deuteronomy the people were told to give 40 lashes and 40 lashes only if someone was sentenced to be flogged.

Jesus fasted for forty days in the wilderness, while satan tempted him numerous times. He was subjected to one of those forty lashes floggings. And when he arose, Jesus waited forty days before he ascended into heaven.

I wonder if Noah thought life truly was going to begin for him when the doors opened back up again on the ark. Imagine the disappointment Moses must have had when he set out of Egypt after forty years, to realize he was only going to wonder around the wilderness for another forty. Elijah had to be so hungry after forty days. I wish I knew what life had in store for Gideon and Deborah after their forty years of judging...did life really begin after that???

I am not buying it. Life began along time ago and there have been new beginnings all along the way.

God did a lot with these folks over forty days, forty nights, and forty years. He molded them, prepared them, redeemed them, and refined their hearts over and over again. He taught them patience, increased their faith, and proved His presence. He made them stronger, wiser, and bolder. None of them were perfect, but God continued to make them better. He was always with them. Whether He was sending them manna, showing up in bush that was on fire, giving them a whisper in their ear, or being silent; He never forgot any of them. And at the end of the 40 lashes given to Jesus, God gave redemption to all of us.

With me, He has done some of the same in my first forty years.  He has renewed my heart and opened my eyes to His promises again and again. He has allowed me cross paths with people who have taught me there are many different ways of life other than the one from which I was raised. He has taught me forgiveness. He has allowed me to see and experience the miracle of carrying a child and becoming a mother. I have been so imperfect through it all. I am so thankful that He has taught me about His grace. He has never forgotten me.

In my fortieth year...in 2018...my plans are His plans. My only resolution if you will for the new year is to be more in tune with what He would want me to do, as a mother...as a wife...as a teacher...as a woman...and a child of His. I vow to chronicle this fortieth year here in 40 individual posts. I know what He has done so far. In forty years I have been tested, had a few trials, and have been reborn a time or two. This is the last year of 40 and I am eager to see how He finishes refining and redeeming me for the next 40.

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