Monday, November 27, 2017

Three kids later...What's a stay-at-home-mom to do???

Fourteen years ago last month, I found out I was going to be a mother. Within the next nine months after that, my body went through miraculous changes, our little apartment was baby proofed beyond measure, and we decided it was best for our new family of three that I stay home with the soon to be born "Baby Jackson".

In 2001 I traded in Ms. Anderson for Mrs. Thomas. In 2004 I traded in Mrs. Thomas for Mommy.

It was the beginning of a new title, a new position, and a pretty hefty promotion. One that I knew God had purposed specifically for me. I was excited and honored to take on such a role. The journey was sure to be adventurous and hard and beautiful and unknown. I was up for the task.  I chose to see it as I was still a classroom just looked a little different, and the benefits were much better.

Along the way, my class roll tripled.  Then one by one, the three kids set off to kindergarten.  Fast forward to the present. I now stand looking up to my baby boy, almost eye to eye with one baby girl, and the youngest baby girl promises to catch me all too soon. 13, 11, and's a new season indeed.

Three kids later...all in school...what is a stay at home mom to do? In the last few weeks, the answer has become very clear to the Thomas family...

The stay at home mom, doesn't have to stay home any longer.

I have given alot of thought about what I want to do, and where I want to go.  I have been thinking back on who I was and what I did before motherhood. I have prayed for wisdom, discernment, and guidance. And at the end of it all, Mrs. Thomas and Mommy can coincide quite well together.

Earlier this month, I began a new adventure back at Watertown High School where my teaching days began in 2000.  The school is in a new building now, is under new administration, has lot of new teachers, and I carry a different title.  Many friends have snickered when I tell them I am the In School Suspension Coordinator. But in my last 13+ years as "mom", I have learned even more so how to be firm and tough, but at the same time loving, helpful, and kind. My last full time position has prepared me pretty well for this new role, I'd say.

This season focused on mind is on all of you fellow sisters out there working hard to make a difference somehow and in someway.  Many before us have worked extremely hard for the generations that have followed to be able to have a say, to be treated equally, and to be admired for creating some of the most challenging balancing acts.

Some of us are young and spirited and free, challenged by the demands of furthering our education. There are others of us a little further along in their story, getting our feet wet in the career that we have chosen. Some of us are wives, trying to manage through the maze of marriage. There is a good portion of us that are professionals, keeping our communities moving and shaking. Young and old alike, those of us that are mothers are trying to keep our own identity, while making sure the ones that made us mothers can find theirs as well. Then there are some of us, that do a little bit of it all, and give so much inspiration to those of us that don't think that we can.

To all of us, I say BRAVO!  I am honored to call you sister and friend. It takes all of us in all our different roles to get His work done.

But if you are in this tribe and you are doubting yourself; I feel ya! I have doubted myself so many times. Doubt and fear almost kept me away from this new job. But that doubt comes from only one source and he is the ultimate enemy. He creates the feelings of inadequacy, shame, and guilt too. The father of all evil is what we will call him. And all these feelings he conjures up by calling out our insecurities and struggles are lies.

His lies can be combated and conquered by one thing and one thing only. Our identity in Christ Jesus.  We are His. He created us, molds us, uses us to be educated community members, professionals, friends, wives, mothers, and so much more. We are all these things, but we are His namesake first. And if we keep that in mind, with a life in service to Him is our focus...we can do all things through Him.

I am more than excited about this new adventure. I already enjoy my work. My favorite part is meeting all my new co-workers and the students that call Watertown High School home. I loved teaching here back in the day...I think I am about to love it even more now.

To the immediate ones in my circles, I say thank you. The encouragement you have given me has helped me step out of the familiar. Some of you have stepped up and helped out as my family of five gets adjusted to this change of schedule. I appreciate your acts of kindness more than you know. For every text, phone call, and upbeat, "Hey how's that new job going?" my days have been made a little brighter. Thank you for being "mine" but more importantly for being "His".

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