Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Little Room and An Apology

There is a room in the basement of my parents' house. It's a small room. It has two small windows, and a door that leads out into the den. Today it houses a computer atop a desk. Lining the walls are different stringed instruments, all which sound beautiful at the fingertips of my daddy. This time of year, this room begins to be the storage room for wrapped Christmas presents as they await their opening by the three kids and my nephew.

This room has changed quite a bit over the years. At one time, it was a bedroom. There was a twin bed in it. I can remember my Grandaddy sleeping many nights on that little bed when he and my Grandmother would visit. One morning we shared many laughs as he recounted his night of sleep, awaking to a  mouse cuddled on his pillow beside his little bald head. My mom made sure his bed fella was gone and disposed of by the end of day.

When I was a teenager this room was where I did homework. But as a preteen this room was adorned with New Kids on the Block paraphernalia. Posters from floor to ceiling, covered every inch. A sleeping bag and pillow with Jordan Knight's face laid on the floor. A "boombox" sat in the corner. Many nights I was told to turn down the music of the Hangin' Tough album. Pretty sure my parents were happy to have this phase behind us, as they cocked the thumb tack holes and painted over the tape marks on the walls.

But this room was magical when I was a little girl. It's where I was the doctor, the teacher, and the princess. It's where I rocked baby dolls and put them down for naps. In this room, Barbie met Ken. They married time and time again and filled "Cindy's World" with their families. In this room is where my older sister and I played and laughed and, as all siblings do, fought and argued over who played with what. She left this room before I did. I missed her.

She always took such good care of her toys and this room. The baby dolls were always dressed and clean. The Barbies had the latest fashions and their hair was styled perfectly. When she finished with a toy she put it back. "Cindy's World" was always in order, with the furniture arranged in the correct rooms, neat and tidy. The dishes in the play kitchen were always washed and stored and the fridge was stocked with all the appropriate items.

Enter Aletha.

I rearranged the Barbie furniture and misplaced the tiny fashionable shoes and clothes. And if I needed a haircut, so did Barbie. And Ken was prone to car accidents, which always produced bruising. Markers and crayons did the trick. Some dolls didn't fair that well; some were missing extremities. Baby dolls looked better in diapers and liked to play in the mud and ash pile in the back yard. Who needed pretend plastic food when you could use Elmer's glue for milk and hide half eaten apples in the tiny kitchen cabinets?  

It didn't take too long for my mother to catch on and take some action. These days she will pull out a couple of baby dolls to show the grandkids. Nancy Caroline and Sadie love to hold the dolls and play with them. They always giggle as their "Aunt Sissy" points out that their mom never played with those dolls. She tells them of my antics and how I could not be trusted, so momma hid these dolls and they are the only survivors.

Pretty much I was the female version of Andy's nemesis, Sid.

So dear sister, it's been a long time coming, but I want to say something to you. I owe this to you for wrecking so many of the toys you took such good care of for so many years...

I am sorry. And I am searching Ebay for that Barbie that had the kissing lips. I really have no idea why I ripped her lips off. 

And I know at this very moment you, the reader, more than likely are chuckling, thinking how silly and funny this all is. But as grown ups haven't we all been guilty of taking something great and messing it all up?

The Creator gives us a beautiful world in which to live and enjoy. We throw down our trash and pollute the air and water, without much thought at all. We waste our resources and live in excess. Why be happy with what you have when you can have more?  Even if it means a few less trees and others are going hungry.

Us Americans live in a country where we boast freedom and the right to speak, but yet we abuse these concepts. We develop the opinion that we are the elete ,that we have it all figured out. We scream our beliefs at each other like toddlers on a playground. We must state our thoughts on everything and everyone; we must be heard. We turn things like social media sites into an arena for arguing and fighting and bullying, instead of maybe what it could have been...a way for friends to stay connected and a mode to promote joy and love. 

Sex. Instead of keeping it special and intimate and private, it's turned into something funny and nasty and wrong.  We use it to sell products. We let it dominate our lives to the point that it's an addiction, a thirst that can't be quenched. It's by products are now pornography, prostitution, and slavery. We also have turned it into a political issue. It seems we have forgotten that God created everything, even sex. How it's treated today, what we've made of it...yeah, I am sure that is not what He intended it to look like.

We have really messed up Christianity. CHRIST-ianity. Jesus Christ. What did He look like? How did He behave? Do we resemble Him? He met people where they were. He became a friend. He held their hands and healed their wounds, both physically and emotionally. Today, many of us close off our circles, only interacting with those people that look and act like us. Many hatefully condemn others for wrongdoing and sins that they deem "greater" than their own. I think we forget that on many occasions we read the accounts of Jesus befriending others, extending love and kindness, and then simply saying, "Go, and sin no more."

We could talk about lots of things. Food, marriage and family life, freedom, school policies, and so much more. We could talk about how awful so many things have become at the hands of us humans. But what if we stop complaining, and get to work. Ever heard of a re-do? Ever heard of an apology?

There is great healing in the words "I am sorry". There is even greater healing in a change of action. Make an amends and start living differently.

Take care of this world. Pick up trash, reduce, and recycle.

Post one positive comment each day. Stay silent when you want to fire back. Instead of spending five minutes looking into someone else's business for the sake of being nosey, send a message to someone you miss. Respect other's opinions and beliefs.

Teach your children about how beautiful a thing sex is and God created it. Teach them the boundaries He gave us, and those boundaries are in order for us to have joy and be healthy. Pray for purity and peace for yourself and for so many that struggle in this matter.

Put the CHRIST back in Christianity. There is hope in anything when we start to resemble our namesake.

Whatever it is that you have had your part in messing up in this beautiful life...apologize in some way and start helping to fix it. If we all do that, what a wonderful world it would be!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Fall With My Favorites

I love the Fall. If there was one thing that I missed, other than family and friends, while we lived on Saba, it was the change of the seasons. We left Tennessee for our new Caribbean home in the middle of a Tennessee hot and humid Summer. August melted into September. September melted into October. Then October melted into November. No cooler temperatures. No crisp Autumn smell in the air. No football games to tailgate. No multi-colored trees. The true Tennessee Fall of 2001 is one of which I have no memory.

This time of year continues to be my favorite. My eyes love the changing tree colors.  My arms love the feel of my favorite sweatshirt. My nose loves the smells of campfires and toasted marshmallows. Football fills my Saturdays. Cups of hot coffee fill my hands throughout the day. And the knowledge that my Creator could only orchestrate such a miracle as the changing of the seasons fills my soul with comfort.

Through the years, this time of year has brought about new and different things for our little family. A few years ago in our church family, Michael and I were asked to consider teaching the college age class together one Fall. We accepted the challenge. And somehow in someway, it has become a tradition...Michael and Aletha Thomas teach the college class each Fall at the Woodbury Church of Christ. And somehow in someway, it has become one of my favorite things of the Fall. The people that fill and have filled this class are some of my favorites. (Go ahead and chuckle, college age friends.)

We've studied specific books of the Bible. We have read and studied the newest and latest from some of the best Christian authors. We've split and done guys and girls studies. We have served together and played together. We have laughed and cried together. But most importantly, we have grown closer to God together.

This Fall has been no different. Michael is leading the class and we are partnering with our friends, John and Amie, in facilitating "The White Board Bible Study". In the curriculum, we begin in the beginning, with Creation. And we march through the entire Bible, not just picking out certain people and stories to study, but fitting all the pieces together. This study teaches how the "stories" of the Bible are all part of God's big story. You can't have Abraham without having Noah. You can't have David without Ruth. You can't have Jesus without Adam.

This past Sunday we finished a section dedicated to the Exodus. So we have seen the story line of many famous Old Testament characters. Adam and Eve. Cain and Abel. Noah. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Joseph. The Children of Israel. Moses.

These folks have taught me wonderful Godly character traits through the years. True intimacy with the Father in Adam and Eve. The importance of worship in Abel. Dedication in Noah. Great faith in Abraham. Morality and forgiveness in Joseph. Courage in Moses.

But this go around...this Fall, in this college bible class...this almost 40-year old mom of three has seen things a bit different...


Every single one! They by no means had any of this thing called life figured out. Alot of us today, think these times we are living in are the worst. I beg to differ.  These first generations we read about were far from perfect or G-rated. Things are bad, but that isn't new to God. It isn't new, but it still all makes Him sad.

They listened to satan. They murdered. Some could be called arrogant and prideful. You ever laughed at God in doubt? They did. They lied and deceived. Some of them sinned in anger, while others got drunk. They witnessed the greatest of miracles and actually heard the audible voice of God...and the next day they complained and looked around for other gods to fill His place.

Oh, but the hope this gives! God uses the roughest, the weakest, the nastiest alot of the times. No, let's be honest...He uses those types of folks all the time. I know this for sure because I have witnessed it. I am a product of it. You want a hot mess...look no further than this girl right here.

I have been the world's worst with impatience. I overcommit and let people down. I am prideful. I like to be in control. I have lost my temper. I have hurt the ones I love the most. I have said the wrong things. I have lied in order to not disappoint.

And then there are the big struggles. The ones I only trust to my inner circles, my accountability partners. The sins and struggles and burdens that carry heavy shame and fear and anxiety. We ALL have these. My encouragement to you in these matters, is to find your people. Find the ones you feel safe with, that can accept the flaws and extend more grace and love than disappointment and shock. Find the ones that can be open and honest in return with you. Find the ones that will weekly hold your hand and remind you to hold your eyes upward. Find the ones that will speak truth to you and gently lead you back when you get a little off course.

Secrecy is a dark and scary place. It isn't safe. Exploiting all of your junk and mess for all to see and know, or sharing it with the wrong, non-trustworthy person isn't safe either. God did not intend for us to walk this road alone. You know the verses...confess your sins ONE to ANOTHER...carry ANOTHER'S burdens. I encourage you to be private, not secret. There is a difference.

I am beyond grateful for and adore my people. They know who they are...friends and family. As a book I just finished reading put it, "Your mess is mine.", and vice versa.

So yeah, He didn't intend for us to walk all this mess alone. He gave us each other, and He also gave us people we can't tangibly touch or talk to, but He gave us their stories.

So when you mess up, when you tell the lie or you doubt. When you are envious or seek to have all the control. When you are angry with the discomfort of where God has placed you for the moment. When you struggle with lust and being faithful. When your mess is alcoholism, drug addiction, or the such. Remember Eve, Noah, and Abraham. Remember Moses and those impatient children of Israel. Remember Joseph and all the others.

God never gave up on these people, and He won't give up on us. If we follow Him and allow Him to, He won't only not give up on us, He will use us. Because the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses...He is the same...He is our God too.